10 simple tips to get (and stay) healthy in 2021

  1. Replace your meat (or starchy side dish) with beans or lentils. ...

  2. Go nuts.

  3. Add veggies to boost potassium and lower salt. ...

  4. Slash the sugar in your yogurt. ...

  5. Sidestep sugary coffee drinks. ...

  6. Drink lots of water, stay hydrated. ...

  7. Take home half your restaurant meal. ...

  8. Add volume to your grains with vegetables.

  9. Take on a flexitarian lifestyle.

    • What is a flexitarian? It’s a person who has a primarily vegetarian diet but occasionally eats meat or fish.

  10. What type of fruit should you eat everyday and why?

    • Citrus fruits: The Vitamin C champions, including oranges, grapefruit, limes and lemons, also contain B vitamins, phosphorus, potassium, magnesium and copper, as well as anti-oxidants. Make sure you eat the whole fruit instead of juice to get the benefits of fiber.


Christine Nordgren - Entrepreneur


Self-Care Ideas for the Soul